
Legal information

mentions légales

SAS with a capital of  1 000,00 euros

Commercial Register : RCS Paris B 850 245 143

Director of the publication : Isabelle MENEZ
Registered office : 82 rue de la faisanderie, 75116 Paris

Contact : contact@sandhamn-partners.com

Web agency : Agence Cinq Mars

Website hosted by : OVH

Terms and Conditions of Use

The use of the site www.sandhamn-partners.com implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use are likely to be modified or completed at any time, the users of the site www.sandhamn-partners.com are thus invited to consult them regularly.

For an optimal navigation, the website www.sandhamn-partners.com uses Javascript technology. The user can, at any time, deactivate the use of Javascript in his browser, which will result in a degraded navigation and the impossibility of accessing certain features of the site.

The user of the site undertakes to access the website www.sandhamn-partners.com using recent equipment, free of viruses and with a last generation updated browser. It is reminded that it is the responsibility of each Internet user to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet. The website www.sandhamn-partners.com cannot therefore be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, that may result from accessing, using or downloading content via the website, in particular, damage or viruses that may infect the user’s computer or any other equipment. The site www.sandhamn-partners.com is updated regularly by the company SANDHAMN PARTNERS. In the same way, the legal mentions can be modified at any time: the user is invited to refer to them as often as possible in order to take note of them.

The information published on the site is of a purely general and informative nature and is given for information purposes only. The website www.sandhamn-partners.com does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of this information.

All the contents of this site can be subject to changes without notice without the company SANDHAMN PARTNERS being held responsible.

Intellectual Property

The site and each of the elements, including but not limited to brands, logos, icons, computer graphics, photographs, which compose it are protected under international intellectual property legislation. The contents appearing on the site are the property of the company SANDHAMN PARTNERS. Any use, reproduction or representation, by any process whatsoever, and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site and/or its elements is not authorized without the express consent of the company SANDHAMN PARTNERS.


What is a cookie ?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your terminal (computer, smartphone, tablet…) when you visit certain websites. Cookies allow these websites to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of the user of a site or his equipment and then, based on this information, to recognize him. However, the data obtained is limited. It only concerns the number of pages visited, the city where the IP address of the connection to the website is located, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the duration of the visit, the browser, the operator or the type of terminal from which the visit is made. Data such as the name, surname of the user or the postal address of the connection are not, under any circumstances, obtained.

The cookies used on this website

The cookies used on this website facilitate the user’s navigation on our website and store a session identifier. They expire during or after the session, or after a period not exceeding 13 months, in accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL.

Third party cookies and trackers

These are cookies or tracers downloaded to your terminal by third parties (audience measurement, interactive map display, content sharing button via social networks…) when you browse certain pages of our site. The user can activate or deactivate third-party cookies at any time by going to the cookies section below.

If you wish to modify your cookie management preferences again, simply delete the recent history of your browser (last 24 hours), then refresh the page of the site on which you are.

A banner will automatically reappear at the bottom of the page allowing you to modify your previously saved settings.

Private Data

The information collected on the forms are recorded in a file computerized by SANDHAMN PARTNERS for the management of information requests and quotation. They are kept for 1 year and are intended for the sales department established in France.

In accordance with the law “informatique et libertés”, you can exercise your right to access and rectify your personal data by contacting contact@sandhamn-partners.com or by post: 82 rue de la Faisanderie, 75116 Paris.